Our Produce

We began in stone fruit but the quest for the next must-have means that our range is continually expanding. Take a look at some of the fruits we supply to the UK market.
  • Berries


    The berry category has gone from strength to strength in the last decade thanks to a virtuous cycle of industry investment to improve the quality and consistency of the year round offering and consumers eating and enjoying eating berries in ever increasing numbers. The UK berry market is now worth over £1bn and there is still much more opportunity for further growth with improvements to year round quality and availability and a shorter field to fruit bowl journey all in the pipeline over the next few years.

  • Stone Fruit

    Stone Fruit

    Not that long ago nectarines, peaches, cherries, and apricots were a summer treat in the UK. Today they sit on supermarket shelves and restaurant menus almost year round. But there is so much more room to kick on further. Since 2010, demand for flat peaches, the ideal fruit shape and size for children, has boomed. We have a home-grown crop of apricots, plums, and cherries, and availability of the most beautifully sweet and juicy varieties is improving by the year.

  • Chestnuts


    When Christmas dinner calls, we have the answer with our range of chestnuts sourced from across Europe. We understand that, for many people, the taste and aroma of roasting chestnuts are synonymous with the festive season. We make sure they are available from September onwards.

  • Kiwi


    Once an exotic fruit, kiwi are now available for UK customers 365 days a year. We keep up with demand with a network of growers both in Europe and south of the Equator.

  • Organic Citrus

    Organic Citrus

    The healthy soil and plants that our organic growers nurture help to ensure that the fruit arrives bursting with flavour. We work with the best certified organic producers from around the world delivering great quality produce grown from a sustainable source.

  • Exotic Fruit

    Exotic Fruit

    Taking us to some of the most diverse and interesting parts of the world, exotic fruit can be spectacularly exciting. Discover Malian mangoes, Brazilian papayas and Colombian passion fruit. Our ever-expanding global supplier network matches the increasing appetite for ever more exotic treats.

Where our fruit comes from